
You can direct. Once you can direct your dreams you can direct everything, because dream is the very stuff of this world. – Osho

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Transform Yourself

The device is different, but the purpose is the same. Take a jump! Move! Transform yourself! Whatsoever you are, transform yourself from it. – Osho

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Acceptance is transcendence. And if you accept yourself totally, suddenly you are thrown to your center. – Osho

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True Self

Being your true self, being your true nature, is different than experiencing it with thought. Realize that you are the mystery, and that you can’t really look at the mystery because you are only capable of looking from the mystery. There is a very awake, alive, and loving mystery, and that’s what is seeing through…

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Check out on yourself. Don’t check the faults of others. Don’t spend your time checking and faulting others but fault yourself. Examine yourself continuously and self-adjust. Self-adjust with each and every passing day because you are an ordinary person. This is something you have to do in order to break free from this cycle. So…

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Our Light

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our Light, not our Darkness, that most frightens us. – Marianne Williamson

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