

When you reach the core that comes after allowing everything to drop, you are naturally cracked open. There is a spiritual heart in that core. You uncover not only the emptiness of the radiant mind, but the radiance and warmth of the spiritual heart as well. When you’re really resting, you can actually feel the radiant, empty mind – not as a thought, but as the radiant emptiness of yourself, the nothingness of yourself and of all selves. You also experience the radiant heart fullness and realize that the emptiness isn’t just a bland emptiness – it is heart-full. When the emptiness awakens, you know that it is also the compassionate heart. The warmth of your own spiritual heart comes alive. – Adyashanti

Images of Thought

Disease and limitation are neither person, place, nor thing; they are simply images of thought. Turn entirely from the condition, or the limited situation, to its opposite, that is, to the realization of health, happiness or harmony. – Ernest Holmes

Dream World

It is necessary that Soul and Body should exist, because Spirit, without manifestation, would construct only a dream world, never coming into Self-Realization. – Ernest Holmes

Great Door

As you sit on the hillside, or lie prone under the trees of the forest, or sprawl wet-legged by a mountain stream, the great door, that does not look like a door, opens. – Stephen Graham

Knowing the Truth


Love Flow


A lot of stuff changes once you figure out the voices you hear in your head have no idea what they’re talking about. If they knew anything at all about the world, they’d stop in amazement because why waste all that time talking when you could be spinning around & around laughing & soaking it all in? – Brian Andreas


When I speak of Possibility, I am speaking of a way of looking at reality – or more than that – a way of Being. I see reality itself as Possibility itself. – Bob Frissell


So remember, centering is the method, not the result. The result is cosmic, oceanic experience. There is no center then. – Osho


Integrity is the essence of everything successful. – R. Buckminster Fuller


The moment you start seeking you have moved away from the present, away from yourself, because you are always in the present. The seeker is always in the present and the seeking is in the future; you are not going to meet whatsoever you are seeking. Lao Tzu says “Seek not; otherwise you will miss. Seek not and find. Don’t seek and find.” – Osho, Book of Secrets

The One

Mental activity is spontaneous and your True Nature is also spontaneous. Your form or your acting may differ from time to time, but you are not that which is seen, but the One who sees – That you are. – Nisargadatta Maharaj

Emblem of Eternity

“I AM” is the secret of nature and the emblem of Eternity. – Science of Mind

Strive to Live

Be joyful, think hard, dream tough, challenge yourself and relish the pain, the struggle, the tears. This is where you get into the depth of it. Dive in deep beneath the protective layers. Strive to live. It’s not what you think, where wrong is not real – it’s bliss or struggle all the same. Forget the judgment. Who matters but You? You are It. Every hate and judge, every love and acceptance. Although they are a part of you, they are not the complete you. Your perspective is unique. You create rightness with your actions. You tie into reality with your breath, creating your own dream with your movement. What can you achieve when you realize this is true? Strive to live, your options are limitless when you remember that you are too.

Color It

Really Free

That he is really free, but that, in order to be free, he must first go through the experiences which will teach him how to use his freedom properly. – Ernest Holmes

The Seeker

The seeker is he who is in search of himself. – Nisargadatta Maharaj

To Yourself

Your only obligation in any lifetime is to be true to yourself. – Richard Bach, Illusions

Creative Power

The greatest discovery that man ever made was, that his thought has creative power; that is that it uses creative power. – Ernest Holmes


You see, it is the love with which you do things that radiates; it is not the things that you do. – L/L Research

True Imagination

True imagination is not fanciful daydreaming; it is fire from heaven. – Ernest Holmes

Direction of Dreams

I have learned that if one advances in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours. – Henry David Thoreau

The Novelty of Flow

Every time a surfer goes for a wave there’s the possibility of a wipeout. Every time a skateboarder is on a mega ramp, there’s a possibility of broken bones. Creative work provides you with the opportunity for risk. With everything thing you create, there’s always the risk that it might not strike a chord with its intended audience. That’s not a bad thing since it’s prerequisite for flow. Part of the reason creative people and extreme sports athletes are able to get into flow on a regular basis is because their environments provide novelty. – Flow Genome Project


Always try to keep a patch of sky above your life. – Marcel Proust


Innocence is Bliss

State of Thought

What a man has, as well as what he is, is the result of the subjective state of his thought. – Ernest Holmes

In Love

Be in love with your life. Every minute of it. – Jack Kerouac


You are not what you are; You are darkness Looking for light within. – Dejan Stojanovic


Rest then in that peace and love and do as you will, as you wish, as you feel. Let there be an end to worry when this is accomplished. The great healer of distortions is love. – Ra

Transcendent Destiny

Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Accept the place the divine providence has found for you, the society of your contemporaries, the connection of events. Great men have always done so, and confided themselves childlike to the genius of their age, betraying their perception that the absolutely trustworthy was seated at their heart, working through their hands, predominating in all their being. And we are now men, and must accept in the highest mind the same transcendent destiny; and not minors and invalids in a protected corner, not cowards fleeing before a revolution, but guides, redeemers, and benefactors, obeying the Almighty effort, and advancing on Chaos and the Dark. – Emerson
